
Brownies vs Cookies

I think there's a strange dessert debate somewhere on whether brownies or cookies are "better" when it comes to desserts. I imagine a Kitchen Stadium like arena where foods of all courses gather to watch a panel of questions being thrown at brownies and cookies alike. Naturally, the image in my head is of a chocolate chip cookie and a chocolate fudge brownie, the basics here, no fancy pants mess.

The Moderator is, of course, a glass of ice cold milk. Questions like "Do you dissolve too quickly in me? and How do you intend to fix the issue?" and "What is your stance on home made versus store bought baked goods?" will fill the debate. Only the hardest hitting questions for these contenders.

During the preliminaries I'm sure lesser desserts like rice krispie treats and jell-o did their best to make it to this stage of the election, but we all know it's a two party system and they never stood a chance.

Has anyone else noticed food has become popular on here? Maybe I should go get something to eat and broaden my topics of discussion next time.


Chroe said...

"Do you dissolve too quickly in me? and How do you intend to fix the issue?"


Bill said...

Does that make Jell-o Ralph Nader in this scenario?

Fun Dad said...

Glad to know two of my readers are on the EXACT same wavelength as me.