
Mail Slips

There are these little slips i get in the mail every so often that indicate i have to pick something up from the front desk at the post office. I can only describe the color of this slip as peach, but just so you can see it, here's a view.

Well nevermind, i can't seem to get this picture off my phone and on to my computer. Damn technology.

So anyway, mail slips.

These things are a pain in the ass. The Front Desk at the Post Office doesn't open until 9, which is when I usually appear at work. So I would have to hang around the Post Office for 20 minutes waiting for them to open their desk!

One positive thing about collecting mail is I have an excuse to be late everyday. If i wanted to, i could come in at 9:15 everyday.. So this coming Thursday I'm going to make a morning out of it; wake up early, grab breakfast at Dunkn' Donuts, go to the Post Office, get this mail slip taken care of, and be at the office by 9:20!

Eff you establishment!

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