
Jerry Uht Park in Erie, PA

During my trip up to Erie Pennsylvania, I got to see an Erie Seawolves game. I must say, I was impressed with most aspects of the park, but disappointed by others. To the average fan, they did a fantastic job with the presentation. My only complaint as absolutely nothing to do with any part of the fan experience. The Concourse under the third base side was under utilized. There that’s it. Everything else was great. The store had great stuff, the food was ball park food, and every inch of the stadium was a spectacular view.

And as my experience has told me, you can’t go on a ballpark trip with out a tarp pull! The Erie crew was unfortunate enough to have a small dark red cell on the radar; which, of course, means waiting until the very last minute in hopes of the cell going around the ballpark. They waited and waited and the field got soaked until the umps made them put it on. At around the exact second the tarp got on the field, the rain halted.

And so ended my trip to Jerry Uht Park. Hope to go back again next year!

::check back for pictures later this evening. saturday, 6:51 pm::

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